Saturday, July 19, 2008

Love thy Neighbour... {Melbourne Child Photographer}

Let me introduce you to three of the loveliest kids I know; Courtney, Emilie and Brodie. They belong to a special friend of mine, who just happens to be my neighbour. This afternoon I spotted them playing out in the street, so I grabbed my camera and headed down to their end of the court. Courtney is the eldest and has now reached the 'moody teenage' years, therefore no smiles, just long stares down the barrel of the lens. Emilie is the middle child and loves to lend me her beautiful face for portraiture. Brodie is the youngest and loves the camera, so much that when he saw me coming, he raced inside to change and to make himself's a shame that he forgot to wash his face though. Typical boy!! I was going to edit it out, but then it wouldn't be a true capture of his personality.

So here they are, Supermodels in the making and my special friends.

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