Sunday, July 13, 2008

Love is a beautiful thing... {Melbourne Child Photographer}

Thanks Anna for letting me capture such a beautiful, private moment.
Well, as private as breastfeeding in front of someone with a camera can be...LOL


  1. hi
    your blog is very beautiful! I loved it! Your photos are wonderful! You can take them very well and they can really show the feelings of the moment they were taken. I enjoy taking photos very much, but I'm just a girl and my camera isn't very good, but I try to take some nice photos. Unfortunately, I'm not used to posting them on my blog. But if you'd like, you can visit it. I'm brazilian, so, sorry if my english isn't very good and if I have few posts in english, just some songs lyrics and things like those, but you'll be always welcome.

  2. This is a beautiful shot Chrissy.
