When Heath and I met, we weren't having children - we agreed on this right in the beginning of our relationship. Once married sentences used to start with 'If we have kids..." and somehow this eventually became "When we have kids...".
We decided we would try for ONE child and one child only.
We were quickly blessed with our beautiful daughter Paigey Girl.
It was when I was pulling apart and packing Paige's cot away that I felt this overwhelming sense of my family not being complete. The decision as to whether or not to have a 2nd child was one which I agonised over from the day Paigey was born. Will she have single child syndrome, will she be lonely? All the usual anxieties went through my head.
The cot is very significant in the sense that - if it was still standing empty in a spare room somewhere, I may not be expecting this wonderful joy inside me.
So here we are again, with a cot and bassinette in an empty room, waiting to begin it's transformation into a nursery. Over the next few months I will be documenting both it's transformation and mine.